Do you want to acquire a public good or find out more about the state's property management vision and strategy? The Minister of Action and Public Accounts, Gérald Darmanin, is launching a new internet platform on state land policy. You can now access several websites on the sale of state real estate or movable property and the assets it owns.
The new platform, launched by the Minister of Action and Public Accounts, offers all the current information on State property policy (PIE), its news, its objectives and its results.
It also presents the players in this very specific department and sector.
There are therefore different websites: the one dedicated to the sale of State real estate ( and the one dedicated to the sale of furniture ( The State wanted to modernize its tools to provide more services to users. Search engines are now more precise and allow users to geotag goods in particular.
The state sells different types of real estate assets. It is just as much about mansions, land, offices as it is residential complexes.
These sales are made by calls for tenders (the property will be sold to the candidate having presented the most attractive offer to the State) or by adjudication (auctions organized by the Notary's Chamber and local services of the State Directorate ).
The movable goods put up for sale by L’État are just as different: cars, clothes, luxury items (watches, jewelry, paintings, etc.). These sales are made either by tender or auction.
Finally, the State has created a new website which details the State’s real estate heritage and the transfers and transfers it makes of it.
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